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Center for Advanced Learning (CAL)

Center For Advanced Learning (CAL)

Learn alongside students who are driven and interested… like you!
To be successful, each CAL student has the determination to accomplish their goals, be willing to present new ideas, to contribute to a team, and to take responsibility for their own learning. Successful students represent all levels of learning. CAL students stand apart from their peers because of their tenacity and grit. CAL students get to work and make things happen!

CAL students build their resume before leaving high school!
Opportunities to solve real workplace problems are offered while working alongside experts in the industry of your choice. Internships and problem-solving meetings with company insiders associated with local news media, manufacturing giants like Boeing, small business entrepreneurs, and health clinics are tools to build your resume.

Want college and high school credits in real time?
For two years in your chosen career program, half your day will be spend at CAL, and the other half of your day will be spent at your home high school. You remain connected to your athletic team(s) and friends at your school while gaining new friends and opportunities to network while at CAL. Last year, CAL students completed 4,548 college credits! That’s a savings of more than $450,000 in tuition fees!! All classes at CAL satisfy elective and/or core classes for your diploma.

Academically, CAL candidates will need to have completed TWO YEARS of high school Math and English. For Health Science candidates, two years of Science credits are required.

How Do I Apply to CAL? 

CAL applications are available on the Center for Advanced Learning (CAL) website. If you have any questions, please see your high school counselor.

CAL Application

Contact Information:

Number: (503) 667-4978
Address: 1484 NW Civic Drive, Gresham, OR 97030