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Athlete Registration & Eligibility Requirements

  • All student athletes are required to register on Big Teams.

    Big Teams Registration

  • A PDF version of these requirements can be viewed and downloaded here.

    Centennial School District (CSD) Athletic Participation and Eligibility Requirements
    Student athletes must meet and uphold certain requirements to be cleared for athletic eligibility. Athletic eligibility requirements are developed and administered by Oregon Schools Activities Association (OSAA), the Northwest Oregon Conference (NWOC) and the Centennial School District.

    To be eligible all student athletes must:

    1. Complete the online registration (Big Teams)
    2. Have a current Physical Examination and Health History
      1. Must be on OSAA official form
      2. New form require every two years
    3. Insurance Coverage
      1. Coverage information must be entered into online registration forms
      2. If a student does not have insurance coverage, Myers-Stevens-Toohey offers affordable Student Accident & Sickness Plans that meet the CSD requirements of coverage.
    4. Have a clear student account or have a payment plan in place
    5. Pay the sports offest fee
      1. Sports offset fee per season
        1. High School – $100 each sports season (fall, winter, spring)
        2. Middle School – $75 each sports season (fall, winter, spring)
        3. Individual Athlete Max is $275; Family Max is $450
      2. Familes who qualify for free/reduced lunch benefits will have reduced or waived fees – families qualify for free/reduced lunch benefits if they are receiving SNAP or TANF benefits.
      3. If a family does not receive SNAP and TANF benefits, but would like to see if they qualify for free/reduced lunch benefits, please email the Athletic Secretary to receive the form:

        Kerian Walton
    6. Be academically eligible
      1. High School Requirements
        1. Each of the following academic requirements must be met:
          1. Be enrolled in a minimum of 4 classes
          2. Be on track to graduate based on earned credits (4.5 after 9th grade, 10 after 10th grade, and 17 after 11th grade.)
          3. Received a passing grade in a minimum of 4 out of 5 classes teh previous sememster
      2. Middle School Requirements
        1. OSAA does not govern middle school academic eligibility requirements. For academic school participations requirements, see below.

    Centennial School District (CSD) Athlete Participation Expectations

    1. Students who are receiving a failing grade (F) in any class
      1. Middle School
        1. Will not be able to participate until they are receiving all passing grades.
        2. Athletes will be able to try out for a team with a failing grade, but will not be able to practice/compete until receiving all passing grades.
      2. High School
        1. Will be put on an academic probation plan and monitored by coaches and the athletic office for the remainder of the sports season.
    2. Athletes must be present in all class periods all day to practice or compete in an athletic event
      1. A student can still participate with an excused absence for an appointment or valid reason
      2. A student who is out all day excused or unexcused will not be able to practice or compete that day.
    3. In-school behavior can effect a student’s participation in a sport. Referrals, lunch detentions, suspensions, etc. can impact a student’s ability to participate up to and including removal from a sports team.
    To be eligible for Division I or II athletics, students must register with the Eligibility Center and meet minimum core credit requirements (16) in English,  Math,  Science and Social Science.  Athletes must also meet the minimum GPA requirements, minimum test scores (SAT or ACT), and graduate from high school.  Athletes who have aspirations to participate in Division I, II, or III college athletics must register by the end of their junior year with the NCAA Eligibility Center ( or with the NAIA Eligibility Center at:  Athletes must also have their ACT ( or SAT scores ( sent directly to the NCAA Eligibility Center by using the “9999” college code at those registration sites.  

    Athletic eligibility at many Division I schools is higher than the regular core course admission requirements. Not all courses at Centennial High School meet NCAA core requirements. Online, Credit Recovery or Proficiency Based Credit classes Special Education and ELL classes do not meet the NCAA requirements. For further information, visit the NCAA page on core courses: and use the CEEB/ACT Code: “380848” or speak with your counselor about taking the appropriate NCAA courses.

Athlete Registration

Eligibility Requirements