In partnership with Metropolitan Family Service and Centennial School District, Centennial High School is now a SUN Community school. SUN stands for Schools Uniting Neighborhoods. SUN community schools are full service neighborhood hubs where the school and partners from across the community come together to make sure students and families have what they need to be successful in school and in life.
Centennial High SUN school is committed to providing quality extended day classes to students of Centennial High School. Centennial High SUN provides for students a great opportunity to achieve academic success, gain new skills, meet new friends and have a fun, safe high school experience. We offer a variety of classes, tutoring, and recreational activities. SUN also offers educational activities for parents and community members in the evening. If you have questions or want to get involved with SUN please do not hesitate to contact us.
School Year Information Below…
SUN is looking for volunteers!
We’re currently seeking volunteers for the following positions – all positions work with students at least one day each week Monday-Thursday 3:00-5:00 PM
Tutor: Tutors comfortable working with and supporting high school student’s academics are needed up to 4 days per week. Tutors do not need to specialize in one area, but should be able to offer positive feedback and encouragement to students of all levels.
Interested in one of these positions? Have an idea for a SUN class you can lead? Contact us below…
Tianna Johnson, SUN Assistant Manager
Work cell: 971-888-3592
Desk number: 503-762-6180
Desiree Gutierrez - Family Resource Navigator
Work Cell Phone : 971–396-9374
Family Resource Navigator (FRN), as a part of the SUN Community School Staff, work alongside families to help reduce barriers and stressors in the home, and to promote self sufficiency, so students can learn and families can thrive